At some point in life, maintaining a full home, yard and gardens can become too much to handle. Downsizing, even when necessary and helpful, can drastically reduce the space available for gardening. If someone enjoys gardening, helping plants grow and reaping the fruits of their efforts, this impact can hit quite hard. Fortunately, there are a number of options available to garden even in a smaller home or apartment.
Balcony Gardens
Balcony gardens are a wonderful option for anyone in a balcony apartment, but there are many factors to consider before beginning such a garden. First of all, the restrictions of the apartment building, as well as the comfort of neighbors must be considered. Not all apartment buildings allow balcony gardens, as the growing plants could attract birds and insect pests. It’s also best to ensure a balcony garden would not bother other tenants, especially those below the garden during watering times.
If a balcony garden turns out to be a viable option, plant planning comes into play. Not all balconies are the same size or face the same direction. When choosing the plants to grow, it’s important to consider the amount of sunlight hitting the balcony, as well as the amount of space available. With careful planning, plants that will thrive in each balcony’s specific conditions can be chosen.
Community Gardens
If a home garden is not an option, community gardens are available in many towns and cities. These gardens bring the people in a community together, as they work to nurture a variety of edible plants and herbs that can be enjoyed by every member of the group. Most community gardens allow members to rent a plot, grow their own plants and reap the benefits.
While every garden is organized and run differently, they all present an opportunity for those with green thumbs to dig into the dirt and have some fun gardening. With the goal being to provide the community with fresh, accessible produce, these gardens allow everyone access at a relatively low price. This makes a community garden not only a place to enjoy gardening and form community bonds, but also to save some money while enjoying fresh, local produce.
Window Gardens
While much smaller than other options, window gardens allow those lacking in space to keep up their gardening habits. Small hanging boxes or even windowsill collections make it easy to take care of and grow some plants, even in a limited space.
Since these gardens are often small, it’s important to choose plants that don’t require a lot of space for roots, as the small planters may not have room for them. Otherwise, the same restrictions that apply to balcony gardens, regarding plants and building rules, must also be considered.
Gardening is an enjoyable and relaxing hobby that does not need to be abandoned because the space available has shrunk. Taking the time to consider all of the available options and planning for an allotted space, a downsized garden can be just as enjoyable as the full-sized original.