Staying Fit
Muscles, bones and hearts need daily exercise. For seniors living alone this, can be especially difficult. If motivation stalls, this can increase depression, anxiety and feelings of isolation. So, how can you stay active this winter? Here are few tips to consider.
Exercising with Friends
Nothing will motivate you more than exercising with friends! You need reasons to get up and leave the warm bed behind and together, goals can be set and accomplished more easily. Walking with friends is definitely more fun. A 30 minute walk will go by quickly and you know that this will improve your overall health.
By checking the weather, you will know if outside walking can be done. If it is too icy you may have to change some plans. The malls are always available. Even in your building there are the halls and stairs.
If you want more routines, get your friends together in your home and watch senior exercises on YouTube. There are a variety of exercises specifically tailored for older adults. Exercising with friends will not only help you physically but it will also impact your mental and emotional well-being.
If you enjoy swimming, this should be regularly included in your winter exercising routine. Public indoor pools offer many basic water exercises tailored for seniors. Swim laps; try to do a least 30 minutes. If that is too hard, try walking in the shallow end and do other water resistance exercises.
The buoyancy of the water alleviates pressure on your joints, so swimming will help fight osteoporosis. The mere act of swimming will most definitely increase your overall flexibility, which in turn can help improve your posture and ease back pain. As you continue to swim, you may notice an increase in strength and muscle tone. That is something we want since this will positively impact daily life.
Exercise the Mind
Winter weather not only makes you want to stay in, but it can increase lethargy. So, how can you exercise the mind? All the activities of exercises and swimming will reduce stress and doing this with friends will help lift feelings of isolation and loneliness. However, there are many more things that you can do.
If you love to read, join a book club! If you love to play games, organize a game night. Stimulate the mind with puzzles and crosswords.
Don’t let exercise go by the wayside. There are many safe and effective routines for seniors that help keep us active during those cold winter months.