Bowden council offered job to prospective new CAO

Bowden town council has made an offer to a candidate to replace Greg Skotheim, pictured here, who is retiring this summer after a lengthy career in municipal government, including three years as the chief administrative officer of the town.

BOWDEN — Town council has made an offer to a prospective new chief administrative officer, Mayor Robb Stuart says. 

Stuart made that announcement June 29 during an interview with the Albertan

Council began the search earlier this year after the town’s current CAO, Greg Skotheim announced his desire to retire by July. He has been in the job for three years. 

“We did the interviews and we made an offer. That’s all I can tell you," Stuart said, adding the offer was officially issued June 28. 

“I sent it off to the head hunter yesterday. So whether he sends it to the prospective candidate or not, I would imagine he’s in the process of it,” he said. 

“You’re getting it fresh off the press, for lack of a better term.” 

Stuart was asked when council plans to have a new CAO in place.  

He said he couldn’t say, because that depends on whether the prospective candidate accepts the municipality’s offer. 

“What if he (she) declines it? Then we have to go down the road again,” he said. 

Skotheim, formerly manager of public works and infrastructure at the Town of Didsbury, was hired by town council in late March, 2019.  

He replaced James Mason who served as the town’s CAO from March 2016 until early July 2018. However, he had been on medical leave since Jan. 12, 2018. 

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