Hugging the top activity Canadians looking forward to, according to a new poll

A new poll shows that when we can stop social distancing and self-isolating, 45 per cent of Canadians are most looking forward to hugging friends and family.

What are you most looking forward to when we can stop social distancing and self-isolating?

A new poll by Angus Reid Institute shows for 45 per cent of Canadians, the answer is hugging friends and family.

Respondents were able to pick up to two choices on the list. Reconnecting with people outside of their households came in second at 34 per cent. Heading to a restaurant, bar or cafe is third with 31 per cent.

Sixteen per cent are looking forward to going to work, and the same percentage wants to take a vacation.

Eleven per cent can't wait to go shopping, while nine per cent want to go to the gym.

Watching live sports was the choice of seven per cent of Canadians, and 6 per cent are looking forward to taking in a live event like a hockey game or concert.

The pollsters also asked what we're doing with our free time, and 63 per cent of us say we're spending it streaming TV shows and movies while 59 per cent are cleaning and organizing. (see full results in graph 2 above)

When asked when we expect life to go "back to normal" in Canada, 41 per cent think it'll be between 3 and 6 months, while 43 per cent believe it will be longer than that.

Full results can be found on the Angus Reid website.

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