NEW YORK — Faced with a lengthy shutdown due the coronavirus pandemic, movie
The National Association of Theater Owners, the trade group that represents most of the industry's cinemas, said Wednesday that it's asking for immediate federal help for its chains and its 150,000 employees. The
The organization said the movie
“This is an unprecedented challenge to the business,” said John Fithian, president and chief executive of NATO. "We're looking to Congress and White House to understand this is a cultural institution where people gather."
Fithian didn't give a specific dollar amount for what the industry is seeking but said
“We want our policy makers to know that at the end of this thing, when people have been cooped up in their house for several months, they'll need a break to go out and do something collectively that's affordable and fun and away from what they've just been through," he said. “But we still need to be viable."
NATO also said it will supply $1 million in aid for out-of-work movie
Earlier this week, U.S. movie
In the meantime, some studios have moved their new releases to on-demand platforms, a rare breaking of the traditional 90-day theatrical window. Universal earlier announced that “The Hunt,” “Invisible Man” and “Emma” will be released for home viewing on Friday. On Wednesday, Sony Pictures said the Vin Diesel sci-fi thriller “Bloodshot,” which opened in
"Sony Pictures is firmly committed to theatrical exhibition and we support windowing," Sony Pictures chairman Tom Rothman said in a statement. “This is a unique and exceedingly rare circumstance where
This story has been corrected to show the name of the lobbying organization is the National Association of Theater Owners.
Jake Coyle, The Associated Press