Quebec, Ontario strike gold in Canada Games beach volleyball

WELLAND, Ont. — Audrey Gauthier and Laura Cote-Collin of Quebec rallied their way to gold on Saturday, defeating Ontario 21-18, 21-18 in the women's beach volleyball final at the Canada Summer Games.

B.C. netted bronze with 21-10, 21-13 wins over New Brunswick.

The 21-year-old Quebec athletes outlasted the younger combo of Sophia Hladyniuk and Emma Braticevic in the exciting final at Canada Games Park in St. Catharines, Ont.

On the men's side, the Ontario pairing of Steven Abrams and Jonny Pickett defeated B.C.'s Luke de Greeff and Dan Everton 21-11, 21-12 to win the gold, while Quebec outlasted Nova Scotia 21-16, 21-23, 15-9 to capture the bronze.

In women's basketball at the Meridian Centre, Alberta won gold by defeating Saskatchewan 71-60, while Ontario took bronze with a decisive 57-36 win over Quebec.

 In men's basketball Ontario beat B.C. 81-70 to take gold, while Nova Scotia got past Alberta 90-83 in the bronze-medal final.

Ontario crushed Alberta 11-1 at Welland Baseball Stadium on Saturday to grab gold in men's baseball, while Saskatchewan squeaked out a 6-5 victory over B.C. to take the bronze.

Ontario continues to lead the overall medal standings with 86 medals, including 38 golds. B.C. is next at 68, followed by Alberta with 61, Quebec with 54 and Manitoba with 20. The Yukon and Northwest Territories have not won a medal.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Aug. 13, 2022.

The Canadian Press

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