According to a recent survey, the number of Canadians who rated their mental health as excellent or good in 2021 notably declined compared to 2019.
“It has no doubt been a challenging and unpredictable time for so many who are working, and we’re seeing this manifest with a significant impact on their mental health,” said Jean Salvadore, senior director of life and living benefits at RBC Insurance, which commissioned the survey.
"While we may not be able to control our current circumstances, there are measures we can all take to cope with challenges and remain prepared for uncertainty."
Here are three steps that can help:
1. Remember your healthy habits
Along with a balanced diet and getting enough sleep, stimulating separation for work is critical for your mental health and overall well-being. Establish clear boundaries between work and personal time. Take frequent mini-breaks to exercise or meditate and foster social connection with others.
2. Review and revise your spending
With inflation on the rise, most of us would benefit from revisiting financial priorities. Reviewing your wants and needs and where you can cut back can help keep financial stress at bay. For example, you can unsubscribe from sales emails to help prevent impulse purchases, and cut back on services you don’t really need or use. Knowing you’re getting your finances in check can lift a major weight off your mind.
3. Double check your coverage
Being proactive about solutions helps lower anxiety and provides a greater sense of safety. Disability insurance can help you maintain your income if you become unable to work, and many plans can also help you return to work through benefits such as rehabilitation sessions, job retraining and other services to help you.