LAKELAND - The two men accused of second degree murder in relation to the deaths of Jacob Sansom and Morris Cardinal have been denied bail again, following a decision by Court of Queen's Bench Justice Robert Graesser, delivered on Friday morning.
Earlier in the week on March 16, a bail review was heard. Graesser said he needed time to look over the materials and he would deliver his decision Friday morning.
A publication ban is in place in regards to any evidence presented at the bail review hearing.
The two accused - Anthony and Roger Bilodeau, both from Glendon - appeared by virtual means on Friday morning to hear the decision. Ultimately, Graesser denied bail to both Bilodeau men, and the men will remain in custody.
The father and son were charged with second degree murder after police found the bodies of Sansom and Cardinal on a rural road in the Glendon area, last spring. At about 4 a.m. on March 28, 2020, Bonnyville RCMP responded to a call from someone who reported two deceased men on a road outside of a parked truck.
Autopsies were completed at the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner on March 31, 2020, and the deaths were deemed as homicide, according to RCMP.
Just days later, Anthony was charged with two counts of second degree murder. Then in June, his father Roger, was also charged with two counts of second degree murder.
A trial by judge and jury is scheduled to take place in the fall.