Foothills County and the City of Calgary have come to an agreement on how to address public engagement on proposed annexations.
This comes as the City proposes the annexation of approximately 415 acres of land on the west side of Calgary's southern boundary with the County. This area has previously been identified as a long-term growth area for the City under the 2017 Foothills County – City of Calgary Intermunicipal Development Plan. The plan identifies specific areas for future growth of both municipalities, as well as policies for annexation.
If the proposed annexation is approved by both councils and the Province, the proposed lands would be incorporated into Calgary.
The Annexation Negotiation Committee established between the County and the City have come to terms on a multi-phase public engagement strategy, which it said would "enable landowners and the public to identify opportunities and challenges relative to the proposed annexation," according to a press release.
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Significantly more land in the area has been identified as future growth area for the City.