The Chiefs of Maskwacis are asking the Freedom Convoy not to protest the Pope's Apology on Maskwacis at a July 25 event.
In a statement issued Friday, the Chiefs wrote the event is "For Survivors of Residential Schools across Turtle Island--First Nations brothers and sisters from Canada and the U.S.
"On behalf of our community, we request that Freedom Convoy protestors planning to attend the apology to please stay home or find a place to protest that is not in our territory," read the statement.
"The attempts from the Freedom Convoy Demonstration to try to take over First Nations initiatives distracts from these important events. We ask for all protestors to respect our Survivors. This is a time for truth, reconciliation and healing. Your agendas do not have a place at these events, and we wish that you respect our Territories, our community, and other First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples’ opportunity for healing. We have not been contacted by protest organizers, nor do we extend an invitation to host them on our lands."