Looking for a new friend to get coffee with, go for a walk or catch a movie? A different approach to finding a pal is coming to Okotoks next week.
Find Your Wing Woman is a way for women to meet new people and establish long-lasting friendships, said Jessica Painter, founder of In Her Circle. The Calgary-based company holds these and other events to help women fight loneliness by enabling them to create a circle for themselves in their own community.
"The Find Your Wing Women event is speed-dating for friends," she explained. "Everyone just shows up and I lead everyone through different activities and mix everyone up and I provide conversation starters to help people ask questions that aren't as basic, to just see if you actually have anything in common with the person that's sitting next to you."
Painter started her move to Calgary from San Diego, Calif. six years ago, knowing no one but her husband. The two were both new to the area and had few connections. Working from home didn't aid in the struggle to meet friends in her new city.
In 2018, In Her Circle was born.
"Eventually, I did make some friends but it was very challenging getting to that point and I failed a lot of times," Painter said. "But then once I made friends and built a network for myself, I realized that making friends as an adult wasn't just a problem for me, it was a problem for a lot of people and so that was kind of the spark to create this community."
The Nov. 17 event at Saluté will be the first of its kind in Okotoks.
Making friends in a new place can be challenging, Painter said, but you never know if you don't try.
"I think it's important to know that everyone is scared," she said. "Even though someone may look super confident on the outside, they are just as worried about being accepted and feeling like they belong, just as much as you.
"It's important to sometimes get out of your comfort zone because that's where growth happens and that's where new beginnings can happen too."
Tickets for the event can be purchased here and include a beverage to go along with purposeful mingling and connection.