CREMONA - The Cremona Coyotes host Ranchland Hockey League rivals Piikani Reign at the Cremona Ag Society Community Arena on Saturday night.
The Cremona Coyotes dropped the team's last game played Jan. 18 against the Lethbridge Lightening at the Kainai Sport Arena.
The Coyotes got goals from Andrew Lankester (assists Braden Plaschewsky and Tyson Scott), Jeremy McNeil (assist Scott), Plaschewsky (assists Stefan Lachapelle and Andrew Bergman) and McNeil (assist Lukas Pollock and Scott) in a 4-10 loss.
Coyotes netminders Terry Blanchard stopped 15 of 19 shots and Brian Woodard stopped 22 of 28 shots. Both teams managed 47 shots during the matchup.