After getting through setbacks due to delayed steel shipments, the structure of the new library building is starting to take shape as council moves forward with planning for building operations and staffing.
The 2011 Town of Innisfail budget includes considerations for the increased need for funding to run the larger centre.
Wages for janitorial staff and increased costs for utilities and maintenance have been taken into account for this year’s operating budget for the library.
The town council will also be increasing its contribution to the library board to allow the facility to operate additional hours in the new building.
One of the capital budget plans is the construction of a crosswalk at the new library site for pedestrians going to the facility.
Residents will soon be able to see the results of months of construction as the glazing begins and the windows start to go up on site in the next few weeks.
The steel work will be finishing this week and although it doesn’t look like a lot of work has been done, lots of work has been done inside the building, said Dale Mather, library project manager.
Currently the project is within budget and the projected move-in date for the library could be around the end of July, said Mather.
However, even though the construction costs are coming in on budget the library still has a long way to go to raise enough funds for the furnishings and for the interior of the building.
The library is trying to raise a total of $150,000 and has currently raised about $30,000, with almost $29,000 of that coming from the Rotary Club donation.
The library board is hoping to gain sponsorship for a few more of the reading areas in the building such as the teen area, and the computer areas where they will have a number of different kinds of computer technologies.
The board is also applying for a number of grants to help cover some of the costs and will be appealing to residents and businesses for their help said Melinda Mercer, the new fundraising coordinator for the library.
There are also opportunities for business to sponsor outdoor furnishings for an area such as an outdoor patio for which they would be recognized, said Mather.
More information on the library fundraising committee can be found by contacting [email protected].