Bear caper lands zoo in trouble

The initial idea by Discovery Wildlife Park was at least noble.
Zoo owners and staff wanted to grab online viewers last January with a positive video message to promote bear safety and proper wildlife conservation. They did so by taking a chained Berkley, a one-year-old Kodiak bear, through the local Dairy Queen drive-thru for an ice cream snack.
But it all backfired. Within days all good intentions were brushed aside by controversy. The video was slammed by leading wildlife groups across the country. While the zoo maintained it ensured that all safety measures were in place, the Alberta government immediately launched a probe, which ultimately led to charges under the provincial Wildlife Act.
"We made a mistake. We never notified Fish and Wildlife. We took the animals off the property. They (province) did their job,” said zoo co-owner Doug Bos. "I regret doing it. I am embarrassed about it, but on the same hand I hope it shows the public our industry is heavily regulated. If we make mistakes we have to suffer consequences.”