The town is still accepting funding applications for this year's Community Grant Program.
The application process has also started for the first half of 2017.
So far this year, the town has approved applications for about three-quarters of the total $13,000 it allocated for the program, said Henry Wong, the town's community services director.
Applications are being accepted in the categories of recreation and leisure, arts and culture, and parks and environment.
As for the first half of 2017 – from Jan. 1 to June 30, applications seeking financial support for events between those dates are due Oct. 31. The town's Community Services Standing Committee will review the applications for both 2016 and 2017, said Wong.
He said support funding can be used to hire a facilitator, or purchase event materials, but not for facility rental, utilities or purchases of equipment.
Any citizen or group interested in submitting an application, which can be found on the town's website at, can email it to Wong at [email protected] or drop it off at the town office.