Strewn carrots and crushed onions are just a couple of examples of foul play at the community gardens.
Davina Daly, member of the Innisfail Garden Club, went to check on her plot located behind Dodd's Lake Manor on July 27 and was disappointed with what she saw.
“This wasn't an accident,” she said of the tire imprints left from bicycles. As Daly walked around the garden she pointed out where she thinks cyclists came down into the garden for a joyride before turning around.
A few bok choy and lettuce plants were flattened and others pulled right out of the ground.
Daly contacted the town and said cement blocks are going to go up around the plots to protect them, but she said she'd still like to know who did it.
The community garden season started in May. All but four of the plots were rented out. The remaining four were filled with potatoes which will be donated to the Innisfail Food Bank.
Daly estimates between two and three hours is spent a week by local green thumbs to maintain their plants.