PENHOLD - The Penhold Fire Department's third annual firefighter auction far exceeded expectations this year.
“It's our firefighters' association fundraiser,” said Jim Pendergast, Penhold Fire Department fire chief. “We thank Robert and Kim Kim, the owners of the Penholder who have hosted the auction every year for us.”
This year the annual event, held at the Penholder Tavern on Oct. 15, raised just over $8,000 for the Penhold Firefighters' Association.
“It's outstanding. It shows how much support we have from the community and how dedicated our firefighters are,” said Pendergast, noting their hard work in organizing the event every year.
“It's also a lot of fun and they have fun doing it,” he added.
Members of Penhold council, fellow firefighters and members of the community, came out for the annual firefighter auction.
“One hundred per cent of that money is spent on the fire department,” said Pendergast, noting some of the areas where the money was spent this year. “We bought rescue equipment this year, paid for part of a truck in years' past and we're raising money for more rescue equipment this year.”
The evening consisted of showcasing the town's fire trucks, including a new ladder truck, and hosting both silent and live auctions.
“We have a silent auction with a large number of items, but we also have a live auction where the firefighters are auctioned off in groups of two,” explained Pendergast, noting that people bid on them to work in three-hour time slots.
“If you own a business we can come and park the truck there and do public education for three hours or if you need somebody to come and help you clean up around your house, they'll come and do that for a three hour spot.”
Held at the Penholder for the past three years, Pendergast noted the special connection the local tavern has for them since they saved it from a fire in 2009.
“We went in there with large hose lines, lots of water and we put the fire out,” said Pendergast. “We're very proud of that. We saved the Penholder.”
Jim Pendergast, fire chief
"It shows how much support we have from the community and how dedicated our firefighters are."