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FSCC grants approved by council

Innisfail town council voted Nov. 28 to approve the Family and Community Support Services board’s (FCSS) recommendations for 2012 grants.

Innisfail town council voted Nov. 28 to approve the Family and Community Support Services board’s (FCSS) recommendations for 2012 grants.

The FCSS, which has an annual budget of $75,000 for external grants, recommended providing $2,500 to École Innisfail Middle School’s Mustang Pride Program, $2,500 to the Innisfail Senior Drop-In Society for social programs, $28,741 to Chinook’s Edge School Division for the family school wellness program, $30,000 to Big Brothers Big Sisters’ in-school mentorship program and $12,259 for Big Brothers Big Sisters’ teen mentorship program.

Town enters into a banking agreement with Servus Credit Union

The Town of Innisfail will enter into a three-year banking agreement with Servus Credit Union beginning in January following a vote by councillors on Nov. 28.

Administration had put out a request for proposals to all four financial institutions on Oct. 13, with a Nov. 9 deadline for proposals. All four banks submitted proposals, which were scored on four criteria: rate of return, service charges and fees, banking convenience, and switching costs.

Servus scored 95 out of a possible 100 points – five points ahead of RBC Royal Bank, the town’s current provider. Scotiabank finished third, with ATB Financial in fourth.

Director of corporate and protective services Darryl Joyce said he examined all four proposals in detail with finance manager Heather Whymark.

“Servus had the best type of package – it’s a flat monthly fee as compared to a per-record type of fee like the other banks were proposing,” he said, adding that banking convenience – including hours of operation and location – was also a factor. The cost of switching providers was also considered.

“At the end of the day we determined that the other three factors (rate of return, service charges and banking convenience) were still sufficient enough that a change to a new financial institution was certainly in order.”

Council approves purchase of commercial-grade scanner

Innisfail town councillors voted Nov. 28 to spend $8,858 from the town’s 2011 contingency on a new commercial-grade scanner for use on the town’s records management project and paperless agenda system, which were approved by town council in May.

Town administration had originally planned to use a standard flatbed scanner for the project, but recommended purchasing a commercial-grade, double-sided, flatbed scanner due to the volume of records involved in the project.

The town’s copier, Digitex, provided a quote of $12,898 for a Canon 9050C scanner. A portion of the cost will come from the $4,040 surplus in the paperless agenda system budget with the remainder coming from the 2011 contingency.

Darryl Joyce, director of corporate and protective services, said the scanner can be easily moved to where it is required.

“It’s a lot more portable. The intent is we can use it in multiple locations,” he said.

Amendment for spring road hockey tournament approved

A request by organizers of the Spring Fever Road Hockey Tournament to allow alcohol consumption on the ice surface and bleachers of the Blue Arena on the evening of April 28, 2012 was approved by Innisfail town council on Nov. 28.

Council had previously approved a request by tournament organizers to host a beer garden in the upper meeting room during the day and a beer garden on the Red Arena surface during a dinner and dance during the evening.

Shelley Gagnon, director of community services, said the change was requested because organizers are hopeful they can book Trooper for an evening concert. The Blue Arena was requested because it features a larger seating capacity. The Red Arena will still be used for the tournament dinner.

Councillors Brian Spiller, Tracey Walker and Mark Kemball voted in favour of the motion, with only Coun. Derek Baird opposed. Councillors Jason Heistad and Heather Taylor were not in attendance.

Town approves Eagles’ skybox lease request

Town council voted unanimously to approve a request from the Innisfail Eagles hockey team for the year-round lease of an arena skybox for use as a team room and storage space.

Under the agreement, the Eagles will pay $125 per month from Jan. 1, 2012 to Dec. 31, 2012 for use of the skybox. Storage or consumption of alcohol will not be allowed in the room under the agreement.

Shelley Gagnon, director of community services, said the lease will be reviewed on an annual basis and can be cancelled by either side with 30 days written notice.

Eagles general manager Lee Kemp, who was in attendance at the Nov. 28 meeting, asked council to amend the agreement to allow for the storage of alcohol within the room.

Innisfail mayor Jim Romane immediately raised reservations with the idea.

“You’re asking the town for permission to store alcohol on the premises without a liquor permit,” he said. “I think we’re opening up a can of worms, Lee, to be honest with you.”

Kemp said he would submit a new proposal in a year’s time.

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