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Ghostly investigations offered locally

It was some odd occurrences at a home he owned in Saskatchewan that helped trigger Shane Moore's interest in researching the paranormal. "Things started happening in the house when we changed the stairs," Moore said.

It was some odd occurrences at a home he owned in Saskatchewan that helped trigger Shane Moore's interest in researching the paranormal.

"Things started happening in the house when we changed the stairs," Moore said. Those things included hearing footsteps, knocking, lights turning on and off, the sounds of a non-existent ladder falling, bed shaking and six people witnessing a window go from full closed to fully open one day.

They called the parapsychology department at the University of Regina which put them in touch with a medium. That medium said there was a teenage female entity who was upset when they changed the stairs.

The welder by trade started getting involved in paranormal investigations in 2005 once he was able to get some equipment.

"I've always had a love of ghosts," he said. He's now one-half of the Paranormal Researchers of Central Alberta (PROCA) along with Clint Poland.

"We've investigated people right from Manitoba to Alberta and as far south as Montana," he said.

They don't charge for their investigations, he said, and will take anyone who wants to participate in an investigation along, providing they're willing to follow the rules. Rules include things like no smoking, staying in sock feet and keeping to the "two people stay together at all times" rule.

Equipment includes digital thermometers, electro-magnetic field monitors, a Trifield Meter, digital voice recorders, cameras and radios.

Some of that equipment, like the electro-magnetic field monitor, reacts to things like power outlets – but if there's none around, what's making it pick up readings could be something more.

"It's a total crapshoot. You don't get things every night," he said. "We have gotten some very interesting stuff."

Often what they do find is only discovered after the investigation when they're reviewing the digital recordings and photos. That's when they find unexplainable voices or images of things like mists or figures where they distinctly remember there being nothing that could cause such images.

Moore works to debunk everything he can about an investigation rather than jump to paranormal conclusions.

"I try to walk into every investigation a skeptic," he said.

He's been on about two dozen investigations and would like it if more people who might have "spooky" things happening they want explored would contact PROCA.

"I encourage them to have us do an investigation," he said. "Everything is obviously hush-hush between (us) and the client."

Moore can be contacted at 403-886-5594.
CLARIFICATION: Here's some clarification on the article from Clint Poland, the other half of the PROCA duo:
In response to the wonderful article written above I would like to clarify a few things. My name is Clint Poland, the other founder for Paranormal Researchers of Central Alberta. We have had a number of calls from people who would like to come and investigate with us. This was not the intention of the article. When it is said that we "will take anyone who wants to participate in an investigation along" it is meant for those who are directly involved and whoever else has had an experience at the place of investigation, as in the clients and who they may know that can help further the investigation by adding eye witness details. We do not bring in others who are inexperienced in this type of investigation. We are a tight knit group comprised mainly of four investigators. We do not allow any thrill seekers on account that this is not fair to the clients and the investigation itself.
We take all investigations very seriously and strict confidentiality is abide by at all times, names of clients are not given out nor addresses of residence or commercial business. We do not charge for our investigations and any anomalies found on film or tape etc we will share with the client/s as well as any other information we find out pertaining to area of investigation. Please contact me Clint at onesfear at or Shane at 403 886 5594 as listed in aforementioned article. Please feel free to ask any questions and if you have an investigation for us that you think we may be interested in please do not hesitate, let us know and we will set up an interview as soon as possible.

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