Local businesses and members of the public are invited to learn about the economic forecast for 2016 and how to thrive in the current climate during the first annual business conference.
“We're having the Central Alberta business and today's economy conference. It is hosted by the chamber and it is a first for this area,” said Carla Gabert, manager of the Innisfail and District Chamber of Commerce. “With the current economic situation, it will present some new ideas for businesses in the area.”
The event takes place at the Innisfail Library/Learning Centre on Jan. 20 from 12 to 6 p.m.
“It is an excellent opportunity for businesses. It's wonderful that it's here in town for them,” said Gabert, noting a total of eight guest speakers for the event.
Keynote speakers include Pat Kennedy, founder of Red Deer Agri-Trade, Dustin Anderson with Stack'd Consulting in Calgary and Todd Hirsch, chief economist with ATB Financial.
“There has been interest from the business community for a business conference in Innisfail,” she said. “It is an afternoon conference -- our first conference will be a 12 noon to 6 p.m. format. There will be coffee breaks throughout the afternoon, but we're going to keep them fairly busy,” she added, noting the keynote speakers, along with two breakout sessions where participants can choose which session they would like to attend.
Jobs and the job market will also be a focus for the first business conference in Innisfail.
“We also have Nicole Lorrain coming in. She's a workforce consultant for jobs, skills, training and labour,” said Gabert. “She's going to be speaking about the new STEP program that's being unveiled on January 18 -- it's a summer student program, as well as the Canada Alberta Job Grant and the Job Creation Incentive.”
Gabert emphasized that citizens from Innisfail and the community are all welcome to attend. “There is chamber member pricing and non-chamber member pricing,” explained Gabert, noting another unique feature of the business conference – working together with other chambers across the region.
“The other chambers in the area are marketing the event too,” she said. “We've sent the invitations to neighbouring chambers of commerce and we're honouring all Alberta chamber members' memberships.”
“It's great for the chambers to work together,” Gabert concluded.
For more information or to register for the business conference, contact Gabert at 403-227-1177 or visit www.innisfaillive.ca
Carla Gabert
"With the current economic situation, it will present some new ideas for businesses in the area."