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Kindergarten registration introduces school experience

Kindergarten registration night at …cole John Wilson Elementary School was more than just signing up future students.

Kindergarten registration night at …cole John Wilson Elementary School was more than just signing up future students.

Instead, the school staff set up a passport adventure that took prospective students and their parents on a tour of the school that included stops at different classrooms, the music room, art room, library and even a chance to board the school bus.

"The kids get excited by that feel of going on an adventure," said school principal Jackie Taylor.

While the kids got stickers and activities, the tour gives parents a chance to ask questions of teachers and support staff.

Taylor said teachers from all the grades came out, as did specialized support staff and the outside agencies who work with the school, all so parents and children could get a sense of what the whole experience at …cole John Wilson Elementary School is like.

"It's really a K-12 (kindergarten to Grade 12) journey," Taylor said. So the school invited staff from the middle school and high school to visit during the evening to speak with parents as well.

About 45 kids came out for the evening, which Taylor said helps them get a sense of how many four-year-olds there are in Innisfail.

For those that decide to register at John Wilson, the next step will be kindergarten orientation to help the kids get ready to start their school career.

"We want the kids to feel comfortable," Taylor said.

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