Members of 2nd Innisfail Girl Guides joined together on June 1 to complete a tree-planting grant that helped with the completion of a marvelous Girls Growing Greatness project.
A $500 tree planting grant, sponsored by the Toronto Dominion Bank and the Girl Guides of Canada, was available to local girl guides as part of their programming to encourage them to be involved in their community, learn about environmental issues and climate change, natural habitats of wildlife and native species of plants. As well the project also helped members learn that even as young girls, they can make a difference in their community and environment.
The members of 2nd Innisfail Girl Guides are seasoned tree planters, having participated in a TD-sponsored tree-planting event in Red Deer in the fall of 2012.
This guiding year they wanted to complete a local project in their own community. The United Church was an organization they chose to partner with, as the United Church Hall is where the girls have their regular meetings and it was a project that could be a sign of their gratitude towards the church and its members.
Discussions began in November with the United Church board members and the grant was applied for and approved. The church put forth the idea to the girls of designing and planting a meditative garden for them. The girls were more than eager to accept the challenge, even though they had to be told the meaning of “meditative”.
In the early stages of learning about native species of plants and trees, the girls were quick to realize that pineapples and palm trees do not grow well here but things like evergreens and poplars do.
The girls were all very aware of the importance that trees play in helping clean our air, providing food and habitats for wildlife, and acting as windbreaks to prevent erosion and provide shelter too.
A list of plants was provided to the girls to choose their favourite plants and to make a sketch of what they thought the garden should look like. From the collection of sketches a final plan was drawn up and a date was set for the planting day to happen.
Enthusiasm was not an issue on planting day, as Girl Guide members arrived ready to work. Plants, trees and shrubs were arranged where they needed to go on the garden area. A footpath and benches were installed.
And the digging began. The digging continued with a few surprises and treasures found amidst the soil of the planting area. The plants all received a generous drink of water. The weather cooperated fully and after many hours of determination, the project was completed.
The pride of the young members, some as young as six years old, was clearly evident as they each proudly claimed “their” plant in the garden. Many of the girls also named their plant.
Many thanks must be sent out on behalf of the 2nd Innisfail Girl Guides for the success of this project.
As well a big thanks goes to the Toronto Dominion Bank and Girl Guides of Canada for providing this wonderful opportunity for the members to learn, grow and be able to contribute to the community in such a positive manner. Secondly, a huge thanks to the United Church for allowing us to be creative, energetic and just good Girl Guides.
And finally, a thank you to all the volunteers including the leaders, parents, grandparents and members of the congregation who contributed ideas, friendship, ice cream and muscle power on planting day.
Without them the Girls Growing Greatness project would not have been successful or as wonderful a memory for the 2nd Innisfail Guides. Not only is Girl Guides growing great girls, but they are growing trees too!
Judy Purcell is the contact guider for 2nd Innisfail Girl Guides.