More than 4,800 Innisfailians smiled during the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Innisfail (BBBSI) Smile Cookie campaign.
Between September 15 and 21, 4,835 Smile Cookies were sold by Innisfail's Tim Hortons, eclipsing last year's sales of 3,999 and 3,123 in 2012.
“If we were to stack up the cookies we sold, they would reach 1,612 feet up in the air,” said Tim Howard, executive director of BBBSI. “Or, it's approximately double the height of the Calgary Tower and 200 feet short of the CN Tower. No matter how you look at it, it's a lot of cookie dough.”
Howard noted that all of the proceeds from the event are going to support Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Innisfail in spreading the word about the agency throughout the surrounding region, and encouraging businesses, schools, agencies and individuals to get actively involved with youth.
Howard was praiseful of the agencies that got involved in helping BBBSI raise funds.
“Top honours went to Bowden Grandview School where the kids placed an order for a whopping 352 cookies,” said Howard. “Hot on their heels was St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Catholic School with 350 chocolate smiles. We could not have been more pleased with the results and our partnership with Tim Hortons.”
Christine Pasiliao, manager of the local Tim Hortons, was quick to add how much fun her staff had producing and selling the cookies.
“By Wednesday the orders were coming in so fast we were having trouble keeping up. But it's good to see such a worthy community charity benefiting from this event each year and our working together to make it such a success really makes all the difference,” said Pasiliao. “At one dollar a cookie this makes a great contribution to the Big Brothers and Big Sisters program.”
With BBBSI planning to expand its operations into Olds in 2015, Howard added its member communities may build a friendly cookie rivalry all in the name of mentoring youth members.
More information on BBBSI can be found at or by calling 403-227-6766.