If you put on a church spring bazaar, they will come.
That's what Laurel Zuk-Dach, a Grade 1 teacher at St. Marguerite Bourgeoys School, is planning on.
She is coordinating a church bazaar to be held March 15 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Our Lady of Peace Church hall to raise funds for the new office currently running out of the church rectory.
“At present, Our Lady of Peace shares a church secretary with the Olds parish and having an office space in the church for her would make a big difference,” said Zuk-Dach.
There will be a bake sale, a cake walk, a cookie walk, concession booth, rummage sale, a silent auction and vendor tables for community members to take advantage of.
“Our goal is to raise between $2,500 and $3,000 to help us build the office,” said Zuk-Dach. “This is not going to be the only fundraising effort we will put on for the office and we are praying it will be successful.”
Zuk-Dach noted that they are still looking for silent auction and rummage sale items. Anyone interested in donating can contact the church office at 403-227-3932 and leave a message for Louisa Gagne or contact Laurel Zuk-Dach at [email protected].
Our Lady of Peach Catholic Church is located at 4304-49 Ave.