The new Palisades area development plan as submitted by Laebon Homes has hit a snag in council chambers.
While the initial area development plan has already passed first reading by town council, a public hearing for Phase 2 was held prior to the June 23 regular meeting. Tricia Willis, the town's planning and development officer, presented administration's opinion to council during the 15-minute hearing.
“We have a couple of issues with Laebon's proposal,” said Willis. “During Phase 1 reading we had sent a request for information, which has not been replied to yet.”
She added the town's concerns centred on the continuation of a cul-de-sac into an area adjacent to the proposed storm pond alongside the Waskasoo flood plain.
“There was a request sent by Laebon Homes to Alberta Environment asking for permission to move the creek, which they had not followed up on,” said Willis. “As they did not follow up, the request is no longer valid. In the modified plan as submitted, Laebon designers continued housing across the midpoint of the cul-de-sac. We don't know why.”
Willis recommended not passing third reading until a reply from Laebon had been received on the town's initial request for information. However, she added that a second and third reading could be passed with the cul-de-sac continuation being a further amendment added to the plan if Laebon desired to do so.
Part of the bylaw includes re-designation of urban reserve district to low density small lot (R1A) for the purposes of the Laebon Palisades development.
First reading for the land re-designation was held on June 9 at which time the request for information was forwarded to Laebon. Council voted to table third reading until a second public meeting was held. Council passed second reading during the meeting.
No members of the public attended the second reading public hearing.
More information on the subdivision proposal can be found by contacting the Town of Penhold at 403-886-4567 or viewing its website at