CALGARY - Innisfail and Penhold firefighters did their towns proud at the 5th Annual Firefighter Stairclimb Challenge on May 5.
The five firefighters from Innisfail collected just under $5,000 to support Wellspring Calgary to raise awareness and support for firefighters and all citizens living with cancer.
The eight Penhold firefighters who attended chipped in by raising just over $3,000.
Hundreds of firefighters from across North America attened the annual event in downtown Calgary. They were tasked with ascending the 55-storey Bow building’s 775 vertical feet – 1,204 steps — in full firefighter duty gear, including air packs without a face mask. Organizers for the stairclimb say top racers finish in as little as 11 minutes, while the average participant takes about 25 minutes.
Read more on this story in the May 14th Innisfail Province and online at