If you build a strong community brand tourism will follow.
The Town of Innisfail and the Innisfail and District Chamber of Commerce are joining forces to bring world-renowned branding webinars conducted by Roger Brooks to Innisfail and area.
“If you have a good brand, the whole community wins,” said Doug Bos, chamber president and owner of Innisfail's Discovery Wildlife Park. “Wall Drugs of Wall, South Dakota is a good example. In 1931 the original owner put up signs for almost a hundred miles around the area encouraging people to come for free iced water and he built a business, which has turned a town of 350 people into a town of 870 people that is an incredible hub of business. There are hotels, restaurants and 13 gas stations that attract upwards of 20,000 people per day. I would like that to be Innisfail.”
He noted the Brooks seminars have taught him that a tight campaign focus is important.
“Just like Wall, South Dakota, Innisfail needs a strong focus for our brand,” added Bos. “We do have attractions like the historical village, the golf course and our wildlife park but we have to agree on what our brand will be, to buy into it, and build on it.”
Bos added the brand must not be static and unchanging.
“If you go to a museum or have your picture taken with a statue, you've done it, and likely won't return again,” said Bos. “The brand must be dynamic and be a part of the community.”
Diane Mineault, executive director of the chamber, is an avid supporter of the Brooks webinars.
“Innisfail and area has so much to offer. We have to focus on something that attracts people off the highway,” said Mineault. “If we had a brand like ‘Gateway to the Mountains', or ‘Gateway to Bear County' it is all-inclusive and one which we could all promote and be part of.”
Mineault added the Brooks webinars focus on every aspect of building a brand, from the three killers of a branding process such as divisive local politics, lack of champions and lack of money, to how to engage the community and build a wide support base for the brand.
“With the summer season upon us we need to sharpen our tourism plans and work on what makes Innisfail unique,” said Mineault. “This is a team effort that will take a long time to implement.”
For more information on the branding webinar series, contact Diane at 403-227-1177 or check out www.innisfaillive.ca.