A community often thrives because of the many volunteers who make a difference.
More than 150 local residents, volunteers and guests came out on April 15 at the Innisfail Royal Canadian Legion to honour Innisfail's volunteers and the many contributions they make to the community every year. Special recognition for volunteers was also held the same night in Penhold.
“We're very pleased with the turnout tonight,” said Karen Bradbury, community and social development coordinator with the Town of Innisfail. “There seems to be more people from a wider area of programs, groups and organizations, and that was one of the big goals for tonight. It's great to see.”
The evening was put together by the town's special events committee and featured Fort McMurray's Russell Thomas, a motivational speaker and artist. He presented an interactive workshop based around this year's theme for National Volunteer Week (April 10-16), “Volunteers are the Roots of Strong Communities”.
One of the many volunteers in attendance Friday evening was longtime volunteer Marian Moritz.
After more than 50 years of volunteering in Innisfail, there is one special reason that propels Moritz to continue giving back to the community.
“The people. The people are wonderful,” said Moritz. “It's really nice to see the joy on people's faces when you've done something for them or when you help someone out. It's very rewarding.”
Moritz has volunteered in Innisfail since 1962 and regularly volunteers with the toast program at École John Wilson Elementary School, at the Innisfail and District Historical Village on special occasions, with the Meals on Wheels program and with the Innisfail Christmas Bureau.
Moritz said Volunteer Appreciation Night was a nice way for volunteers like her to be recognized for the work they do in a community.
“I think it's lovely. It's a nice evening out,” she said, adding she and other volunteers do not expect anything in return for volunteering their time. “We do it for ourselves, as well as for our clients, but it's nice to be thanked.”
For decades people have volunteered their time and efforts to various groups, organizations and events in communities across Canada, noted Moritz in sharing her thoughts on today's volunteerism.
“I think it's a little harder now. There are so many people that have to work – if they have children (many times) both parents in the family work, she said. “I think we should start our kids volunteering for something at a younger age, even if it's just helping a neighbour.
“It's good for them to grow up in an atmosphere of volunteering and seeing the adults in their family doing that. It sets a good example,” she added.
Moritz said in many respects volunteers often find it more rewarding for volunteering their time, sharing the work and helping others.
“It's (volunteerism) a chance to go beyond your own world and to see other people's lives and to become involved in a variety of activities,” said Moritz. “I think if you have the time and the energy it's really a wonderful way to get yourself out of the house and doing something meaningful.”
Marian Moritz
"It's really nice to see the joy on people's face when you've done something for them or when you help someone out. It's very rewarding."