Penhold citizens looking for a hand to shovel snow can look to the Snow Angels for assistance.
The Snow Angels Program is administered by the Penhold Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) to assist seniors and/or individuals with mobility issues to clear their walks and driveways of snow.
“This is our first year of operation so we aren't sure what our numbers are going to be,” said Julie Dallaire, Penhold community services coordinator. “During our needs assessment this was one of the concerns and we are looking to provide support for our community members who can't shovel their own walks.”
Dallaire noted the Snow Angels Program is not just about shovelling snow. It helps build safe communities, healthy relationships and assists seniors who struggle with isolation issues, she said.
The coordinator added volunteers can be young or old and entire families can be part of the service, suggesting groups can adopt a client and take turns shovelling throughout the winter.
Meanwhile, Dennis Cooper, mayor of Penhold, added the new traffic bylaw has a section specifically dealing with snowfall clearing from sidewalks, which makes the Snow Angels Program more important.
“Prior to the bylaw, there were no penalties for leaving snow behind, now there is,” said Cooper. “We want to make sure our sidewalks are safe for our citizens.”
For those wanting a snow angel, or those wanting to volunteer to be part of the program, contact Baylock at 403-886-4567 or through email at [email protected].
Julie Dallaire
"During our needs assessment this was one of the concerns and we are looking to provide support for our community members who can't shovel their own walks."