The town has implemented its first-ever comprehensive drug and alcohol policy for its employees, one that includes a provision for mandatory drug testing on anyone suspected of being impaired at work.
“We have to be very careful and that is why it is actually treated as a sickness versus anything else. The town must do everything within its power to help an employee out should that come to light,” said Heather Whymark, the town's director of corporate services, who introduced the new policy at town council's regular meeting on Jan. 25. After the presentation, council unanimously approved the new policy.
Whymark said while the issue of employee drug and alcohol use at work was previously mentioned “in passing” in the current Employee Policy, the new policy is far more comprehensive and detailed, with the drug testing component being new, and one that was legally vetted before being finalized.
The policy's reference to drug testing says they will only be conducted on “reasonable cause” cases, which are defined in a list of guidelines to determine possible impairment, and how they are to be handled by senior staff. The new policy underscores that random testing will not be conducted on town staff.
“It is (drug tests) definitely not used for disciplinary action, method or termination,” said Whymark. “If we think we have somebody under the influence they can be tested right away. It is not done by us. We can't do the testing. We would go and send somebody to get the test done and we would receive the test (results).”
Council was told the new eight-page drug and alcohol policy goes in extensive detail on the responsibilities for employees, supervisors, directors and the chief administrative officer (CAO).
Whymark emphasized it was designed as a proactive employee heath- care initiative to give workers help to overcome an illness and maintain their employment. As well, noted Whymark, the drug and alcohol policy is also in the best interest of local citizens as town employees are using potentially dangerous vehicles and heavy machinery for many tasks where there is a consistently high public presence.
The policy also notes that any town employee who may be seeking help in overcoming an addiction can access a confidential employee assistance treatment program that is available through the town's human resources department.
There is also a disciplinary action section in the new policy that gives the CAO the authority on a “per case basis” to determine courses of action if a safety incident or event was caused due to alcohol or drug impairment. The CAO's options include a written reprimand, unpaid suspension, mandated safety training, rehabilitation, termination of employment and possible legal prosecution.
Whymark said employees were asked to sign a form last week to confirm they read the new drug and alcohol policy. She added the town would also be conducting staff sessions to go over the new policy.
Heather Whymark
"It is (drug tests) definitely not used for disciplinary action, method or termination. If we think we have somebody under the influence they can be tested right away.