INNISFAIL – The Town of Innisfail is looking for a few angels - snow angels, that is.
Volunteers are needed for the annual Snow Angel Program, which pairs volunteers with other residents who need someone to shovel their walkway when it snows.
“We're looking for anybody that's interested in assisting a senior or … (someone) with mobility issues,” said Karen Bradbury, the community and social development coordinator for the town.
Volunteers can be any age but snow angels under the age of 14 need parental permission.
“Our youngest last year was, I believe, 11 or 12,” Bradbury said.
Last year the program attracted about 10 volunteers and Bradbury would like to see at least that many volunteer again this year.
They helped about 20 residents who needed someone to clear their walkways after a snowfall.
“We don't charge anything for the program,” Bradbury said. Last year volunteers received a small stipend but the cost is unsustainable so there will be no stipend available this year.
Volunteers agree that when it snows they will go and clear the sidewalk and possibly the driveway if that's been requested by the resident. Bradbury said it's walkways as needed and driveways as requested.
Bradbury tries to match volunteers and residents who live near each other.
Applications for residents who need someone to shovel their sidewalks and driveways and for volunteers are available at the town office.
The snow angel program has been going on for several years.
Bradbury noted the program is part of the town's neighbours helping neighbours initiative, which also includes garden angels in the summer months and strong hands who help move heavy items.
She also encouraged people to help out their neighbours even if it's not through the formal volunteer program.
“Whether you volunteer with my program or not, just when it snows see if your neighbour needs assistance,” Bradbury said, encouraging people to help build community spirit by being great neighbours.
For more on the program call Bradbury at the town at 403-227-3376.
Karen Bradbury, community and social development coordinator
"Whether you volunteer with my program or not, just when it snows see if your neighbour needs assistance."