The town has put in a funding application to the federal government for a million-dollar upgrade job to the Innisfail Twin Arena.
Council held a special meeting on June 20 to move forward on an administration recommendation to submit a project proposal to the Canada 150 Infrastructure Program. The proposal to the federal government seeks $1 million, which would be split between Ottawa and the town, towards facility improvements at the Arena. These improvements call for an $850,000 roof replacement, $55,000 for lighting upgrades and $95,000 for storage room development and expansion.
Council passed the administration recommendation to apply for the grant, which had a June 22 deadline.
Mayor Brian Spiller emphasized the federal grant is for retrofit projects only and does not allow building additions to the 26-year-old structure.
He noted a life cycle assessment was done on the town's recreational facilities last year, including the Arena that recommended roof replacement in three to five years.
“When this grant came along and we could get 50 per cent funding, we thought let's speed it up a couple of years and we will get it done with some grant money,” said Spiller, noting the town had applied for the same grant last year but was denied. “But now the federal government has found more money and put out the same grant so we've put in the application again and hopefully we get it this time around.”
More funding for local groups
Council has approved additional monies from the remaining 2016 provincial Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) allocation for three local social service groups.
At town council's regular meeting on June 13, Karen Bradbury, the community and social development coordinator, said the FCSS Advisory Board met on June 8 and discussed the $38,741 that still remained from the $216,243 in FCSS funding the town received from the provincial government.
From the remaining funds, the advisory board decided to provide an additional $15,550 funding to a trio of social service groups.
The Innisfail Seniors Drop-In Society will receive $9,950 to help pay the salary of its coordinator. The local Boys & Girls Club will get $3,000 to help with the transportation costs to summer camp, and the Pathways Home Family Counseling Ltd. will receive $2,600 to help with the cost of service delivery at the Kemp House.
Mayor Brian Spiller
"When this grant came along and we could get 50 per cent funding, we thought let's speed it up a couple of years and we will get it done with some grant money