INNISFAIL - The town is embarking on a comprehensive review of its 20-kilometre trail system, the first since 2010.
The goal of the proposed Trail Master Plan, brought to council at its April 23 regular meeting, is to identify gaps in the current system and to have the public engaged through web-based public surveys, open houses and displays, including an interactive map for citizens, at several locations. The first major public engagement event will be held at the annual Mayor's Breakfast in June.
The new Trail Master Plan, which council approved at a cost of $20,000, will also look at the feasibility of creating a trail completely around Dodd's Lake, which is now only served with a 350-metre stretch on the west side by Hazelwood Estates that connects to 53rd Avenue, and an 80-metre boardwalk on the south side.
"We need a good up-to-date plan, now that we have our people in place to do these kinds of things. We've got to get busy and get a master plan current and see where we want to go from there," said Mayor Jim Romane.
During the April 23 council meeting, Crystal Scheit, the town's engineering coordinator, presented a report that stated the 2010 Open Space Master Plan will form a "solid" base for the project with many components still relevant for the update.
She told council through her report that with an approved plan in place the necessary budgeting will be created for future upgrades and new trail development as the town expands into newly developed areas. As well, added Scheit, enhancements, which will also include special features and assets, can be made to existing trails in areas where gaps have been identified. Her report said the goal is to have a trail network that connects all areas of town.
However, the idea of completing a trail around Dodd's Lake is "tricky" because parts of it are privately owned while others are designated environmental reserves, noted Romane.
"It's kind of tricky putting a trail around it," said the mayor. "Ideally I would love to see a trail all round Dodd's Lake, but there are limitations because of these properties and the environmental reserves."
Scheit said last week the idea of creating a trail through private properties will need to be investigated further, but added she did not see why it could not be done in the future if proper planning and public consultation is conducted.
"These are all things we will be looking at when we do this master plan; what would need to be done in order to accomplish that," said Scheit. "On the north side of the lake there is nothing developed up there at that point. If that area gets subdivided then we acquire the municipal reserve that we need on that side (to) extend the path all the way around once that does get developed.
"We are just looking at this area in general to make sure it is connected to the rest of the community as well," she added.
Scheit said it's hoped to have a draft Trail Master Plan completed by September, which will be put to the public for additional engagement and feedback before council has a chance to consider a final report by the end of the year.