DIDSBURY - At their regular meeting on July 25, council members voted to award the Valarosa lift station installation project to Knibb Development Ltd. Knibb was the winning bidder with $1,690,750, over five other companies.
The Valarosa lift installation is the second phase in the Rosebud Sanitary Trunk Line project. Phase 1, which included trunk line installation, was completed in April.
After tenders were received, ISL Engineering and town administration worked with Knibb Development to reduce the scope of the project and the subsequent cost of the project is $1,500,000 including contingency.
Funds for the project are expected to come from: 2016 and 2017 gas tax fund, 2017 MSI capital, and waste water reserves.
Making scarecrows
In other council news, council voted to once again enter the Mountain View Arts Festival's Scarecrow on Parade competition. Last year the town challenged all the other municipalities to build a scarecrow. The winner of the competition was the Town of Olds.
Library updates
Council approved a request from the library to utilize the vacant space at the Town of Didsbury's former location until the library expansion occurs.
There was a notice of motion put forward by McCoy to have council request that the Library Expansion Committee attend the Sept. 12 regular council meeting to provide an update on the status of the library expansion project as well as a report from administration on the proposal received from Avid Architecture. The motion was carried.