On Dec. 6, members of the Olds 4-H Multi Club presented a quilt several club members made to Doreen Mousek - a family intervention worker with the McMan Youth Family and Community Services Association in Olds.
McMan is a not-for-profit social service agency that works to make life better for families in the area.
"We're an agency that works to help people realize their highest potentials in their communities and in their families," Mousek said.
"We do all kinds of things. But our number 1 thing is to work with families in cooperation with them to keep children safe in the home. Families may have different things going on that make it hard for them."
Mousek was pleased to receive the quilt. She said it will be very useful.
"Sometimes we have children who leave their family homes abruptly and they come with nothing. Or sometimes we work in a home that children don't have sheets or blankets or anything. So this will go to someone who's in a situation where they don't have anything," she said.
"We've had families that have been evicted and they leave with nothing. They get set up again and they have nothing."
"A quilt is something kind of nice, because it's warm and cozy and it makes one feel really, really good. So when these children -- or young people - do receive a quilt, it does help cheer them up," said Rhona Segal, the project leader for the quilt group.