CARSTAIRS-DIDSBURY – Agricultural societies in the area are busy planning for 2018.
Both the Carstairs and Didsbury societies held their respective annual general meetings (AGM) earlier this month and officials say both organizations are in good shape.
In Carstairs, Kelly Casebeer has taken over as president of the ag society, which had its AGM on Jan. 7 at the Carstairs Curling Rink.
She says she is looking forward to another strong year for the group.
"It went very well," said Casebeer. "We had some new members out. It was very good. We filled some board positions."
This year will be Casebeer's first as president after a year as vice-president. She has been with the ag society for a couple of years but had also been with it years ago. She takes over from Jerry Roberts.
"I was hoping Jerry would have stayed on but he wanted to step down," she said. "I believe the ag society is vital to our community development. I'm very excited about the year ahead and the activities we are planning."
The society organizes several annual events including the Carstairs Farmers' Market, Beef and Barley Days, the Carstairs rodeo and the horticulture and craft show.
"We hosted a new event, which was the harvest fest," she said. "It was a dinner and dance at the beginning of November. That was very well attended."
Casebeer said the society is already planning many of the same events for this year.
The Didsbury society held its AGM on Jan. 11 at the Excalibur building. Craig Anderson returns as president and he said the meeting went very well.
"Everything was good," said Anderson. "We had 15 or 16 people out even though it was cold as heck."
New on the executive this year are Kathy Busslinger and Kerry Johnston, who returns after some time off.
Anderson said 2017 was another great year for the ag society as it put on several events such as monthly gymkhanas, the 55th annual horse show, the Didsbury Fair and Rodeo, tractor olympics, farmers markets and more.
"We had one of the highest turnouts for our rodeos last year," said Anderson. "We had good attendance at the horse show and the gymkhanas as well. People are enjoying them. The August tractor pull was very popular again."
Anderson said they are already planning the 2018 versions of the same events as well as taking care of rental and upkeep of the ag society grounds.
"I believe the ag society is vital to our community development. I'm very excited about the year ahead and the activities we are planning."