The Red Deer County agricultural services board has released its 2014 action plan, outlining programs and projects for spring and summer.
Chairman and Red Deer County councillor Philip Massier says the board will continue to make use of technology as part of its efforts in 2014.
“We are certainly going to maintain the service level on our weed control on our roadside stuff,” Massier told the Gazette. “We are making sure we are using technology to follow up on our brushing program. We are going in and mechanically brushing our roads and then electronically we are maintaining where those sites are and following up with herbicide spot treatments.
“The same thing is happening with our clubroot inspections where we are monitoring it by gathering data.”
Principal agricultural services board goals outlined involve pest control, weed control and other agriculture-related issues in the municipality.
Regarding the goal to “maintain, manage and enhance pest control programs”, the ASB's plans include the following:
• Offer and promote two per cent liquid strychnine to producers for Richardson ground squirrel control in severe infestations.
• Provide identification skills to producers regarding rats.
• Survey residents about pest control problems they may be experiencing on their properties.
• Increase dialogue with producers regarding elk, deer and moose as pests to livestock feed.
• Increase dialogue with Fish and Wildlife officers.
• Participate in provincial insect pest surveillance programs.
Regarding the goal to “deliver and support of the Soil Conservation Act (SCA)”, the ASB's plans include the following:
• Inspect sites where soil conservation is a concern.
• Encourage tree-planting programs around acreages.
• Educate weed inspectors about areas where erosion can occur.
• Look for SCA violations and report violations.
• Increase water erosion awareness through education.
• Consider subsidizing trees on sensitive areas.
Regarding the goal to “maintain, manage and enhance weed control programs”, the ASB's plans include the following:
• Selectively spot spray municipal roadsides for regulated and other invasive weeds.
• Deliver the fenceline weed control program.
• Undertake vegetation and weed control around county bridges and on municipal properties.
• Educate local greenhouse operators regarding weeds.
• Do weed control along the Red Deer and Blindman rivers.
Regarding the goal to “enable producers to be effective stewards of our land, water and natural resources”, the ASB's plans include the following:
• Assist producers in accessing relevant Growing Forward 2 programs.
• Deliver the Red Deer County safety water well initiative.
• Extend information to producers about the risks of unused water wells.
• Deliver a safe water well workshop and demo in 2014.
• Conduct riparian and forest range health assessment in riparian areas on county farms and ranches.
• Assist county producers in updating and completing their environmental farm plans.
The board is also working on the Green Acreages program in 2014, said Massier.
“We have 6,200 acreages so we are helping the owners implement the program, which gives people an idea how to look at their own properties,” he said.
"We are certainly going to maintain the service level on our weed control."Philip MassierAg Services Board chairman