A delegation from the Mountain View BearSmart Society is scheduled to appear before the Mountain View County policies and priorities committee meeting May 7.
Officials with the society plan to outline some of the group's activities over the past five years and to discuss future plans and challenges, spokesperson Brenda Wagner said in a letter to the committee.
“In light of the October 2013 county election and our recent anniversary, we felt it would be an ideal time to meet with council,” said Wagner. “The goal of this meeting would be to provide some background information about our group – our successes, our challenges, our future plans including building our partnership.
“A strong partnership with the Mountain View County would enhance our future success.”
The society promotes awareness of the bear and other wildlife activities in the region, with the goal of preventing unwanted encounters.
It was formed five years ago following a number of fatal bear encounters, including one resulting in the death of a bow hunter near the junction of Highway 22 and the Bergen Road.
The society operates an online notification system allowing people who spot bears in the region to let others know. For more, see www.mountainviewbearsmart.com.