CARSTAIRS -- At its regular meeting on April 8 council approved four borrowing bylaws for Mandalay, the quarter section of land between Hugh Sutherland School and the campground in Carstairs on the east side of Highway 2A.
The borrowing bylaws are for storm, transportation, water and sanitary for the area.
Carstairs CAO Carl McDonnell said the developer is looking at moving ahead with development of the area.
"With the school site being there, we're looking at expanding the school site with another 10 acres, a possible seniors' lodge and a tri-services building," said McDonnell. "And, of course, the campsite is already in there. The town would have a portion of the over sizing of the services."
McDonnell said the storm water would be the largest one and it would come from the golf course north through the campground and everything west.
"Everything north and west of Centre Street comes through that subdivision," he said. "So we're obligated to control that water and pay for a portion of that storm pond and control structures that are going through there."
The transportation will be for upgrades to the access coming in off Highway 2A and Centre Street on the north side of the campground, said McDonnell.
"As well as a new access going in east of the school site across from Havenfields' access," he said. "And the water and sewer is a portion of that to service all of those sites that will be municipal sites."
The amount the town will be borrowing for Mandalay under the bylaws is $3.5 million total including $375,000 each for water and sanitary; $1.75 million for storm; and $1 million for transportation.
McDonnell said the Mandalay area structure plan is expected to go in front of council at the next regular meeting on April 23.
"If that gets final approval they'll be moving forward this year with development with their stripping and grading," he said.
Council also approved a borrowing bylaw to pay for the decommissioning of the Parkview Lift Station on the north end of main street at a cost of $400,000.
"It's at the end of its life cycle," he said. "To replace it is over $1 million but we can eliminate it by running a line from that lift station east under the tracks, under the public works yard, through a park space and tie it into the Highfield Lift Station."
The lift station is set to be decommissioned in May, said McDonnell.
In other council news, council heard a presentation from Sandra Stone on behalf of the off-leash dog park committee.
Stone told council where the committee was in the process.
The preferred area is south of the rodeo grounds and would feature a large and small dog park combined with three entrance gates including one for horse trailers and larger equipment as needed.
There is approximately 459 linear feet that will need to be fenced. Trees, which were fundraised for, will be placed at the south end of the park as a breaker between houses and the park.
"Council accepted it as information with the request that the final report with the recommendation for the dog park location come back," he said. "They haven't decided; that's why they've asked for more information.
"The committee has done lots of work. They started with four locations and narrowed it down to two. They're basically looking at one now."
McDonnell said council wants to see a summary of all four locations and costs associated with the top two locations so they can make a decision.
"They also want an open house so they can get some public consultation and the committee is happy to do that as well," he said. "There are things we need to look at. Council hasn't agreed on any site yet. There will have to be consultation with the people who would back on to the park to see if there are any objections. There would have to be a site survey as well."
Council approved the appointment of Don Speers to the Carstairs Library Board.
Council approved the sale of lands at 217-10th Avenue to a numbered company registered to Carstairs Remedy's Pharmacy for $60,190.
"On Main Street behind Henry's Foods there are two lots; they're both 25 feet wide," he said. "The town owns one and an individual owns one. We had an offer come in to purchase the town one and council accepted the offer with the requirement that the person build within 24 months."