DIDSBURY – Plans to remove the boulevard from the 20th Avenue project will save the Town of Didsbury $100,000.
The motion was made by Coun. Garth Hollinger and stated that council direct administration to amend the contract with Professional Excavators to delete the boulevard from the 20th Avenue project with increased sidewalks and addition of historic street lights.
The vote, which was recorded at the behest of Coun. Lavar Adams, was unanimous.
Coun. Joyce McCoy voted against the project originally when it included the boulevard.
She told the Gazette that council had been considering other options for about a month.
She said the outcry from residents was not the main reason for council's decision to remove the boulevard.
“I don't believe that was the reason for the actual decision,” she said. “I think it didn't hurt, but I believe the final decision was made on what was best for the road.”
McCoy said she originally voted against the project when it included the boulevard because she thought there were better options.
“I had the same concerns that the residents who were complaining had: snow removal, turning into your driveway from the opposite direction,” she said.
“I also think a good solution for enhancing the drive into town could be obtained with the same things we do in the downtown core: the heritage lights, the banners that are announcing upcoming events, white lights wrapped up the poles, flowers. But it doesn't have to be in the middle of the road, it can be on the sidewalks.”
McCoy added that she thought from the beginning that the sidewalks should be widened so they could be more walkable.
“We could have some benches along the way where seniors could sit and rest on the way from downtown,” she said. “That's the solution I would have liked to have seen the first time.”