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Brexit was never about racism

Re: "Brexit Holds Lesson for Canada", July 5 Gazette p. 8. I submit the other side of the story, which may show the true lesson, not the media bias toward the outcome of the British Exit Referendum.

Re: "Brexit Holds Lesson for Canada", July 5 Gazette p. 8. I submit the other side of the story, which may show the true lesson, not the media bias toward the outcome of the British Exit Referendum.

First and foremost I must mention that I was saddened that the results were so close as no matter which side won, many would be distressed at the result. The democratic process was in play for those who wanted to escape the clutches of the European Union. The majority won. Simple. Or it should be.

Instead the majority of the populace are maligned as being racist and bigoted on the subject of immigration. Unfortunately racism and bigotry are alive in most large centres and Canada is not immune.

One city comes to mind as having racial problems: Toronto. Racism was not the platform Brexit ran on. The people who voted out voted to reclaim the right of each country to have its own laws and to not be dictated to by faceless, self-important, unelected elitists which is what the European Union has become. The British youth are howling and kicking their heels because they feel they have been robbed of their future. (By the way, more older people voted to stay than the young vocal group, so perhaps more of them should have voted).

Let these same youngsters talk to the youth of Greece -- unemployment 50 per cent; Spain, 45 per cent; Italy, 40 per cent. The Greeks tried to vote in a new government to end the austerity measures. The EU disallowed them. They had a second referendum and were refused by the EU again. Finally, after yet a third referendum the Greeks meekly accepted an EU approved austerity plan. There is no point in voting in Greece, no choice and no democracy.

Brexit was never about racism, it was about asserting their own right to make their own laws, and to control immigration based on what the country needs, which is to bring in qualified people who wish to contribute to society. The ordinary people who voted to leave the EU were acting on the fundamental principle that political power comes from the people and the politicians are the servants of the people. A few days after the referendum the EU announced that it would be eliminating the borders and creating a superstate with its own army.

So, is Britain being nationalist or patriotic? Nationalist (a person who advocates political independence for a country) or patriotic (having or expressing devotion to and vigorous support for one's country). You decide. I think they expressed both. Would you care to see the NAFTA members behaving in the same manner as the EU?

Would you like to be told that you have to let anyone into your country without being vetted? Would you like to be told to take down your flag and anything that is overtly Canadian and display the Stars and Stripes instead? Would you like your country's laws to be overruled by the Mexicans or Americans?

This is the other side of the story, just to be fair. I would be obliged if you would print it whether you agree or not. Credit for some of this content goes to Pat Condell.

Hazel Anderson


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