The contractor conducting the bridge upgrade over the Dog Pound Creek on Highway 27 between Sundre and Olds has completed a big step in the process, installing massive steel girders over the new section over the past few weeks, officials said.
"This will be the final work completed this winter, until construction starts back up in the spring," Alberta Transportation spokesperson Julie MacIsaac told the Gazette.
Construction on the project began in early summer 2016 and includes the installation of a temporary bridge immediately south of the existing bridge.
The project was originally scheduled to be completed last fall but unexpected soil conditions led to a delay.
"Unexpected soil conditions required design adjustments, and time was needed to evaluate the design and order new materials," she said.
The project is now scheduled to be completed in summer 2017, she said.
Asked if the original $2.8-million projected cost remains valid, she said, "With the soil issues encountered on site, the scope of the project has changed. Because of this, the project cost may also change. The final cost of the project will be available once work is complete."
The reduced traffic speed of 50 kilometres per hour at the construction site will remain in place until the project is completed, she said.