Eligible wheat and barley growers have until the middle of next week to cast their vote in a producer plebiscite on the future of the Canadian Wheat Board.Legislation is planned to be introduced this fall to repeal or amend the Canadian Wheat Board Act, removing the requirement for a farmer plebiscite before dismantling the CWB single desk by August 1, 2012.The Prairie-wide plebiscite being conducted by the CWB asks farmers if they want to sell wheat and barley through the CWB's single desk, or through an open market.Voting packages were mailed to more than 68,000 farmers who had an active permit in either the 2009-10 or 2010-11 crop years and who delivered wheat or barley in the past five crop years (2006-07 to 2010-11).Return ballots must be postmarked by August 24.CWB board chair Allen Oberg said the future of the CWB is a crucial issue for grain producers.ìWe face a monumental change that will have major implications for our sales returns, risk management and overall power in the grain industry. Farmers have the right to be asked.îThe CWB is also holding six producer meetings this month across the Prairies - with two in Alberta - to discuss the fate of the Canadian Wheat Board after the federal government imposes this major, irreversible change, says Oberg.ìAs farmers, we are at the 11th hour and facing a monumental change,î said Oberg. ìIn a matter of weeks, the government intends to introduce legislation that will permanently remove the single-desk marketing structure for wheat and barley. As elected directors of the CWB, we have a duty to ensure that our stakeholders - the farmers of Western Canada - are as fully informed as possible, so we can all face the future with eyes wide open.î