CREMONA - At the regular council meeting on April 18, council approved the 2017 capital budget for the village.
Council also approved the tax rate bylaw, which would see no increases.
The estimated municipal expenditures and transfers set out in the budget for 2017 total $936,685. The estimated municipal expenditures and transfers from all sources other than taxation is estimated at $467,301 and the balance of $503,577 is to be raised by general municipal taxation.
The requisitions are: Alberta School Foundation Fund (ASFF) for residential/farmland is $95,574 (mill rate 2.48) and $20,261 (3.61) for non-residential. The Mountain View Seniors' Housing is $6,870 (0.16).
The assessed value of all property in Cremona is $55,762,110 ($37,151,460 for residential).
The mill rate for residential is 7.58 for a tax levy of $281,393.
The mill rate for residential-vacant is 10.71 for a tax levy of $11,005.
The mill rate for residential-annexed is 2.84 for a tax levy of $987.
The mill rate for farmland is 8.09 for a tax levy of $41.
The mill rate for farmland-annexed is 8.09 for a tax levy of $287.
The mill rate for commercial/industrial is 15.25 for a tax levy of $73,204.
The mill rate for linear is 15.25 for a tax levy of $12,134.
The mill rate for linear-annexed is 9.80 for a tax levy of $1,054.
"The assessments were about the same as last year," said CAO Luana Smith. "We have less expenses because we don't have to contract out for water licence because we have a staff member who has his water ticket.
"So that's about $60-80,000 a year. We're also doing our own financials instead of the county and that's $36,000 a year."
Smith said the savings from those alone amount to about $100,000 for the year.
"So our expenses were less than last year so we don't have to increase taxes," she said. "I'm very happy about that."
At a special meeting on April 12, council discussed the priorities for capital projects to be done in 2017. The projects and the cost estimate for each are as follows: Pave Edey Close, $228,000 (from MSI capital); open First Avenue, $186,000 (from MSI capital); pave First Avenue from Centre Street to First Street West to include curb and sidewalks, $123,000 (Federal Gas Tax Fund and Reserves); finish paving First Street East, $196,000 (Reserves); and install new fire hydrant at Centre Street and Second Avenue, $25,000 (Federal Gas Tax Fund).
The total for the 2017 capital budget is an estimated $581,600. Administration is still working on the five-year capital budget and it was not ready for the April 18 meeting.
Council reviewed a possible tour for councillors of Fortis in regards to its LED light program but voted to postpone for the fall for the new council.
Council approved Smith as the village's representative on the board of directors for Mountain View Summer Games Legacy Foundation for a term of two years starting May 1.
Council turned down a request from Diabetes Canada to form a partnership with the village to place a clothing recycle bin in the community.
Smith said council was concerned about the amount of rubbish that is often found around the bins.
"They think there are other options," she said.
Council also turned down a request to allow ball teams to camp on village land (next to the Neilon's Hotel) during the ball tournament during the Cremona Canada Day festivities.
"They accepted it as information because where they have camped in previous years is fine," said Smith.
Smith said there wasn't enough room where they parked last year due to haphazard parking.
"This year they have requested the committee to ensure they park in a proper manner and then there should be enough room," she said.
The parking area is in the curling rink parking lot, which is owned by the ag society, not the village, said Smith. "Where they park now is fine," she said. "They just need to park better."