Mountain View County council has passed final reading of an amending bylaw regarding the re-designation of land to allow for the development of an event centre facility in the Rosebud rural community between Olds and Didsbury.
The move came during the recent regularly scheduled council meeting.
The land involved is located about one kilometre north of the Bergen Road along Rge. Rd. 21 (at NW 1-32-2-5). The existing parcel size is 26.9 acres.
The re-designation is from agricultural district to direct control district and involves about 12.46 acres. As well, a related re-designation involving 14.44 acres from agriculture A to agriculture A2 district was also approved
In a submission to council outlining the proposed Cork & Crate Estate Event Centre, the applicant said, in part, “Agri-tourism is vital to educating people of the merits, responsibility and necessity of farming in rural Alberta.
“We envision this happening through the creation of an event centre situated amongst a manicured tree farm that grows hops, cereal crops, sunflowers, two acres of saskatoons, three-quarters of an acre of cherry trees, and multiple apple fruit-bearing trees, a greenhouse, as well as an array of small animals.”
The development would include the immediate “construction of an events centre, the construction of an event use area for overnight stays: RV and tenting (no water, sewer or power, this service is event specific only), and the construction of a horse barn on our main yard site and animal shelter located near the event centre.”
Future development at the site would include the “development of micro malting roasting facility and possible distillery, construction of a small chapel, and the construction of a staging/storage barn.”
The centre would be designed to host indoor and outdoor weddings and other special events.
The forecasted maximum capacity of the property would include seasonal capacity with tables of approximately 120-200, gravelled parking surface for 70 vehicles, additional grass parking of 140 units, and a maximum of 40 overnight stay sites.
The proposal now goes to the development permit stage. Since the designation is now direct control district, council will be the approving authority for the proposal, not the municipal planning commission.
Meanwhile, council gave final reading to an amending bylaw for the re-designation of one 0.95-acre parcel from agricultural district to country residential for a property in the Westerdale rural neighbourhood.
The purpose of the re-designation at SE 31-32-2-5 is to create a residential parcel for a family member to develop, council heard.
Council gave final reading to an amending bylaw for the re-designation of a property from agricultural district to residential farmstead district.
The 10-acre parcel is located in the Netook area east of Olds. The re-designation is to create a farmstead parcel on a fragmented lot at SE 34-33-1-5.
Council gave final reading to an amending bylaw for the re-designation of a property from agricultural to country residential.
The three-acre parcel is located in the rural community of Bergen at SE 21-32-6-5.