Mountain View County's policies and priorities committee has accepted a series of draft ministry summaries outlining the county's views on issues facing the municipality as they relate to various provincial government ministries.
The move came during the committee's recent regularly scheduled meeting.
The summaries were prepared by the county's inter-governmental communications committee, made up of councillors and county staff.
The summaries relate to Municipal Affairs, Environment and Parks, Agriculture and Forestry, Transportation, Economic Development and Trade, and Energy and Health.
ï Regarding Ministry of Municipal Affairs, the summary includes four asks/solutions from the county.
The meeting notes on Bill 27 (2014) - floodway development and regulations, state, in part: "There remains uncertainty for residents and the municipality until the floodway development regulation is finalized,"
The ask/solution states, in part: "That a timetable for the finalization of the floodway development regulation be communicated to municipalities in order to plan for updates to statutory planning documents to adequately reflect the provincial direction."
The meeting notes on the municipal government board (MGB) state, in part: "Mountain View County has had three decisions (all refusals) in the last year overturned by the MGB. While recognizing the important role the MGB can play in the development process, these three decisions are of particular concern."
The ask/solution states, in part: "That the Ministry review the MGB appeal criteria which allows a local application to circumvent legal municipal planning processes in order to secure an appeal and determine if this loophole can be closed or provide a clear rationale for its existence."
The meeting notes on multi-year budgeting and predictability of municipal sustainability program funds, state, in part: "Mountain View County has 2,800 km of roadways, and 316 bridge structures. While developing a multi-year capital plan is something our municipality has already done, the ability to fund capital projects and yearly maintenance costs are heavily reliant on knowing what provincial funding may be available and what sorts of requisitions will be required. All will have a direct impact on tax rates."
The ask/solution states, in part, "The provincial government provide some measure of surety to municipalities in terms of grant funding (i.e. that a
program won't be zero funded without a "grandfathering"), and tax requisitions (i.e. thresholds on increases)."
ï Regarding Ministry of Environment and Parks, the summary includes several ask/solutions from the county.
The meeting notes on environmentally significant areas state, in part, "At Mountain View County there have been many conservation initiatives undertaken to help preserve environmentally sensitive areas, in addition to preserving agricultural lands. Some of these initiatives include identification and designation of Environmentally Significant Areas (ESA), financial support of local land trust, annual riparian project funding and more. However, the municipality is concerned that current provincial mapping of ESAs does not align with municipal knowledge"
The ask/solution states, in part: "That the Ministry work with municipalities to align information and mapping on ESAs to improve outcomes for land preservation and to add certainty on planning and development files impacting identified ESAs."
The meeting notes on extraction review state, in part: "The approval of aggregate operations lies with municipalities, but much of the oversight and enforcement on environmental regulations remains with the province, leading to a disconnect between the two levels of government and confusion/anger among residents near gravel pits."
The ask/solution states, in part: "That the provincial government review its policies on aggregate extraction, engaging with municipalities with large aggregate deposits (such as Mountain View County). Further, that policy regarding aggregate extraction within designated floodways be reviewed at the same time."
ï Regarding Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the summary includes three ask/solutions.
The meeting notes on the Enhanced Protection for Farm and Ranch Workers Act states, in part: "With the working groups developing recommendations on regulations pertaining to employment standards, Occupation Health and Safety, and labour relations, we see an opportunity to build goodwill within the agriculture community by weighing the input from farm and producer groups appropriately, while ensuring the representation on the working groups is not overly weighted towards ëlabour groups and technical experts'."
The ask/solution states, in part: "The province must continue to engage producers and producer associations actively, and improve on communication efforts with all stakeholders to help alleviate the community perception that their input is irrelevant to the process."
The meeting notes on forestry management area setbacks state, in part: "Mountain View County sits in the Red Deer River watershed area, downstream of forest harvesting activities. Considering the impact timber harvesting can have on drainage along the river, and the observed downstream effects of flooding, it is the opinion of the county that setbacks from water bodies in Forest Management Areas be reviewed."
The ask/solution states, in part: "That the province review and evaluate the current setbacks in Forest Management Areas, and that these setbacks be relevant to protection of watersheds, stream health, and downstream effects."
ï Regarding Ministry of Transportation, the summary includes four ask/solutions.
The meeting notes on rural bridge program and strategic transportation infrastructure funding states, in part: "Considering that Mountain View County has bridge structures on the 20-year repair and replacement plan totalling $113 million, there may be decisions that have to be made on these bridge structures for safety reasons that could significantly impact emergency services access, residents' ability to access services, and the movement of goods and services."
The ask/solution states, in part: "If the province deems bridge rationalization as the strategic way forward, it be a joint effort between the province and municipalities in determining the criteria for evaluating bridge structure need. Placing this burden solely on the municipalities would be challenging to municipal councils."
The meeting notes on electronic highway signage states, in part: "Mountain View County continues to work with our neighbouring rural municipalities that straddle the QE II Highway to develop a common strategy on signage along the highway in an effort to reduce unsightly signage and improvement of the safety component for drivers. It is also hoped that a consistent aesthetic to the road side can be achieved.
The ask/solution states, in part: That, like the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties, Mountain View County requests that Alberta Transportation enforce third party sign regulations within the development control zone."
The meeting notes on the QE II and Highway 27 interchange state, in part: "The northbound interchange at this intersection was recently altered in 2014 to an acceleration lane away from a former cloverleaf pattern interchange. However, the alterations provided little in the way of an upgrade as the acceleration lane still requires the merging traffic to yield as it did under the old cloverleaf pattern."
The ask/solution states, in part: "That the provincial government undertake an extension of the northbound acceleration lane to allow for merging
similar to the southbound setup at the same interchange. This would allow for safer merging of vehicles due to the adequate space to get up to QEII Hwy speed and not requiring a yield by the merging traffic."
The meeting notes on Highway 584 conditions state, in part: "Highway 584 west of Sundre beyond the Hwy 22 intersection is in deteriorating condition. The County believes this well-travelled road utilized by area residents and many visitors to the area has become dangerous to the travelling public."
The ask/solution states, in part: "That the Ministry of Transportation immediately evaluate the condition of the road and offer a repair/rebuild assessment."
ï Regarding Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, the summary includes two ask/solutions.
The meeting notes on municipal engagement state, in part: "Mountain View County is very encouraged by the province's proactive approach to Economic Development by reinstating a ministry dedicated to this focus. The county, like many other municipalities throughout Alberta, has a dedicated Economic Development Officer, is currently undertaking the development of a long-term economic development strategy and is allocating necessary resources to achieve the outcomes of said strategy."
The ask/solution states, in part: "That the department identifies and develops a strategy to effectively work and communicate with established Economic Development Departments across the province."
The meeting notes on rural Internet state, in part: "Mountain View County, like most rural municipalities, struggles with connectivity in more remote and geographically challenging areas. This puts these areas at an economic disadvantage compared to more urbanized centres."
The ask/solution states, in part: "That the provincial government make rural connectivity a priority and develop a business case for such a service to rural customers in an effective and affordable fashion, ensuring all Albertans have access to fast, reliable Internet."
ï Regarding Ministry of Energy, the summary includes two ask/solutions.
The meeting notes in junior company insolvency state, in part: "With the recent economic downturn in the oil and gas industry, many junior and smaller companies have become insolvent. This has led to a number of installations that are currently unowned and not receiving proper maintenance. The vast majority of these situations are located in rural municipalities."
The ask/solution states, in part: "That the provincial government develop a strategy to identify and evaluate these installations, and that a communications plan regarding these installations be developed with the municipality where they are located."
The meeting notes on old/orphan well review state, in part: "Mountain View County is supportive of the review announced by the Province on May 10, 2017 regarding aging and orphaned oil and gas installations across the province. We look forward to a strong municipal voice taking part in the roundtable discussions, and support the engagement of the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts & Counties (AAMDC) and individual rural municipalities as stakeholders in this process."
The ask/solution states, in part: "That the province adhere to the announced timeline to have the review completed by the end of 2017. A solution to this issue is of paramount concern to ours and many other communities."
ï Regarding Ministry of Health, the summary includes two ask/solutions.
The meeting notes on rural physician retention and recruitment state, in part: "We understand that physician retention and recruitment is an area of focus for the Ministry, including review of programs such as the Rural Physician Action Plan. While review of all plans and programs is a positive step to ensure that health funding is properly apportioned, our municipality remains steadfast in its support of a strategy that directly addresses the issues of retention and recruitment of physicians in rural areas."
The ask/solution states, in part: "That the province develops a clear strategy for physician recruitment and retention that takes into account the special circumstances faced by rural areas."
The meeting notes on agricultural waste state, in part: "Mountain View County has asked several Ministries to consider developing a provincewide ag plastics recycling strategy that would help reduce the amount of those products ending up in landfills."
The ask/solution states, in part: "That Health Ministry endorse and promote to Alberta Environment & Parks, and Alberta Agriculture & Forestry the need for a Provincial Agricultural Recycling Strategy to combat potential health risks presented by burning of agricultural waste plastics."
The committee passed motions receiving the summaries as information and that the summaries be brought before councillors at an upcoming council meeting.
Committee members Jeremy Sayer and Duncan Milne did not attend the June 7 committee meeting.