Mountain View County has approved a $28,000 funding request from the Sundre Flying Club to purchase a mower-tractor for the Sundre Airport, which is owned by Mountain View County.
The move came by way of motion at the recent regularly scheduled council meeting.
In a letter to council, the club said, in part, that the new sweeper is “required to remove foreign objects from runways and apron, which is more critical to jet and turbo prop aircraft. The cab would allow more operations during winter with our existing snow blower attachment.”
The club has also requested a proposed paving of the Sundre Airport in the amount of $76,960.
In a letter to council the club said, in part, that, “While work is completed on Rge. Rd. 55, it is the opportune time to complete some paving at the airport for the lowest price due to no mobilization costs. The areas are the two taxiways servicing the new hangars, an area near the new jet fuel skid, and other areas that the old chip seal is broken up, as funds allow.”
In a briefing note to council, county administration called on council to put off approving the paving request.
“It is administration’s position that the paving project should be deferred until after council has an opportunity to prioritize the items listed in the Sundre Airport Development Plan and future Olds Didsbury Airport Development Plan that will guide future capital investment in regional airports.
“Although both airports are managed by third parties, ultimately it is Mountain View County’s land and assets that are used for capital investment and should be in alignment with county’s strategic priorities.”
Councillors approved the vehicle purchase to a maximum of $28,000, and deferred the request for proposed paving.
Deputy Reeve Angela Aalbers did not attend the June 12 council meeting.