Mountain View County council has approved a $3,000 funding request from the Alberta Community Crime Prevention Association through the county’s new crime prevention initiatives program. The move came during the recent regularly scheduled council meeting.
The funds will be used for a student project in collaboration with the county.
“The research objectives of the project are to prepare and deliver an area safety plan that provides current assessment of the area, and provides recommendations to address identified community safety concerns in the selected project,” administration said in a briefing note to council.
“The completed project should contain practical recommendations that stakeholders may implement alone or in collaboration. Stakeholders may include police, business owners, resident groups or the county.”
Under the project, student teams are invited to select one of three project locations within the county: Water Valley, East Didsbury industrial park or the Netook industrial park.
“Student teams will document, analyze, recommend and present area and neighbourhood-based solutions to community safety challenges in the three areas.
“After selection of project area, groups will visit the area one or more times, with a goal to document visual evidence of design and maintenance aspects that contribute to lower perceptions of community safety, and consulting with area businesses and organizations, police and municipal administrators to understand the nature and source of community safety problems.”