CREMONA - Council passed second and final reading of the Direct Control Bylaw 468-16 to amend the Land Use Bylaw.
The bylaw addresses the rezoning of Highway Commercial (C2) and Industrial (I) along Railway Avenue to Direct Control (DC).
"We changed the zoning along the highway," said Luane Smith, CAO. "It was Highway Commercial (and Industrial), we changed it to Direct Control. The village owns some land there and we're going to subdivide and sell those lots."
In other council news, council heard from a delegation from Fortis Alberta on the proposed new LED lights.
"They planned to start this summer," said Smith. "They already started in Didsbury from what I understand. Cremona council aren't very keen on it."
Smith said that one councillor in particular thinks it's not very "green" to change out the bulbs when they are working fine.
"They agree with changing them to LEDs when the light needs maintenance or goes out, but they see it as wasteful to remove all the current light bulbs when they're still operational."
Council approved the closure of Centre Street from Second Avenue to just past First Avenue.
Council approved the 2017 salary and wage grid. The background information states that with the passing of the 2017 Operating Budget, adjustments were made to the salary and wages of staff.
"Some staff members got some increases," said Smith. "It hadn't been adjusted since 2015 so staff hadn't got an increase then. There were also two new positions created.
"We did more in-depth research. We're not the highest but we're not the lowest. We're near the average for the province."
Smith said that the Fortis representative was asked to research more information to provide to council from the Alberta Utilities Commission.