Mountain View County council has approval a new crime prevention initiative aimed at helping address the recent rise in rural crime in the region.
The new policy and related procedure for crime prevention grants was approved by way of motion on May 23.
The policy includes a new grant program that will be used to fund organizations that propose activities or events that have the potential to reduce the impact of crime within a large community area or throughout the county.
Reeve Bruce Beattie said the county welcomes the opportunity to contribute to addressing rural crime.
“I think it indicates the county’s commitment to helping in the whole issue around rural crime,” said Beattie. “I think it is a good initiative to give the community an opportunity to access some funding and take some of their own initiatives.
“The RCMP tells us all the time that they can’t be everywhere, so that’s why citizens on patrol and rural crime watch can contribute to any success we have.”
Policy #3007 establishes the criteria for funding crime prevention related projects to serve the needs of the county’s residents.
“With rural crime watch’s memorandum of understanding with the RCMP there may be a need for additional administrative support, mobile app development, events or training,” administration said in a briefing note to council.
“As well, citizens on patrol groups have formed in Olds and Sundre and may patrol areas within the county. Funding could be directed towards these organizations to support their activities through a grant program.”
The procedure accompanying the new policy states that, “all (grant) funding applications will be forwarded to the policies and priorities committee for review and a recommendation will be made to council for funding allocations within approved budget.”
Under the initiative a number of crime prevention workshops are upcoming, including a Robber Beware Seminar at the county office on May 31.
Coun. Al Kemmere did not attend the May 23 council meeting.